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25 May 2023

Your diet can play a part in the health of your teeth. Drinking soda is common, and many people drink soda every day without even thinking of the effects on your teeth. Not only is soda bad for your teeth, it is associated with type 2 diabetes and weight gain. At Dental 380, we focus on prevention and recommend patients follow a healthy diet, and avoid foods and drinks with high sugar levels. Your teeth are important, and the choices you make can help prevent many unwanted visits to the dentist.


Breaks Down Enamel

When you drink soda the sugars in the soda mix with the bacteria in your mouth to form acid. This acid attacks your teeth and can wear down the tooth enamel. The acid breaks down the enamel on your teeth and softens it, making the enamel more prone to decay. Evan sugar free sodas can damage your enamel.


When you drink soda, the acid can also reach the layer of dentin that is under the enamel. This can cause cavities to develop over time for people that drink Coke regularly. If you have composite fillings, the soda can also erode away your fillings.


If you have to have a soda once in a while, there are things you can do while enjoying your beverage that can help prevent damage to your teeth.

  • Use a straw to sip the soda. This will help keep the acid and sugar off of your teeth.
  • Drink soda only on occasion. Only drink soda for special occasions, or try and limit your intake to one soda per day.
  • Drink fast to lessen the time the soda has to interact with your teeth.
  • Rinse with water after you drink a soda. Rinsing after drinking soda can help wash the acids and sugars away from your teeth, and prevent damage.
  • Don’t brush right away after drinking a soda. Brushing right after drinking a soda can cause damage to your teeth. This is because the acid from the soda was just in contact with your teeth, and this makes your teeth more vulnerable to damage while brushing.
  • Attend regular cleanings and exams at your dentist. Regular visits will allow our doctors to identify problems before they become more serious.
  • Do not drink soda before bedtime. Drinking before bedtime just gives the acid and sugar all night to attack your teeth and cause damage.
  • Choose other beverages such as water or sparkling soda water that will not cause damage to your teeth.

Taking care of your oral health should be a priority, and this includes making good choices when it comes to your diet. Staying away from sugary foods and drinks can really help keep your enamel strong, and your teeth free of cavities. If you think you have damage from drinking soda and would like to come in for an exam, we welcome you to schedule an appointment with us. Our team can help get your oral health back on track, and give you recommendations on what to change in order to prevent future issues.


If you are due for your dental cleaning or exam, or have concerns about the enamel on your teeth and would like to schedule an appointment, please contact Dental 380, and our friendly staff will be happy to assist you.

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