Endodontics is a dental treatment that involves the removal of the infected pulp and the subsequent sealing of the pulp cavity. The pulp is the inner part of the tooth, composed of the veins and a white tissue that contains the nerves. The pulp cavity is the part of the canal that is inside the dental crown.
One of the most frequent symptoms for which a tooth ache is detected is dental sensitivity or hypersensitivity. Consequently, the patient may experience pain while chewing, biting and pain when stimulated by cold and heat. These problems can be caused by the existence of deep caries and trauma. In addition, the corrosion and deterioration caused by the friction of the teeth between them can lead to an injury to the pulp (pulpitis). However, thanks to the endodontics and after the removal of the affected dental pulp and bacterial content, the tooth will be healthy again.
Before performing a root canal, the affected area must be anesthetized. Next, a perforation is made in the tooth crown to be able to access the pulp and remove it. Subsequently, the duct will be cleaned before sealing the cavity. Then, decay will be removed and, in the case where restoration is required on that tooth, it will also be removed. At this stage the doctor examines whether the tooth can be restored or not.
Finally, absolute isolation will be done, removing all kinds of nerve tissue from the roots of the tooth crown and shaping it to cover them with material, ending rebuilding the tooth. At the end of the operation the tooth will be fully sensitized and isolated. Dental endodontics is a dental treatment that is commonly known as “killing the nerve.” In this way, what is eliminated is the pulp of the tooth, that is, the part where the veins and nerves lodge. Once the area is cleaned, it is filled and sealed with specialized material.
Dental endodontics is performed when the tooth or tooth is severely damaged by caries. Therefore, it is a process that prevents the extraction of the piece and allows the tooth to recover its functionality. Once executed, reconstruction with a dental crown is used. This last step is extremely important, since it is demonstrated that the placement of the dental crown increases the life expectancy of the tooth.
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