A dental emergency can occur at virtually any time, regardless of how well you take care of your smile. Unfortunately, it’s not uncommon for many of these emergencies to leave a patient in severe pain and discomfort. For this reason, you’ll want to consider coming in for treatment as soon as you notice there’s a problem. We offer treatment in a relaxed, highly comfortable setting for patients of all ages.
A dental emergency can get worse in a short period of time without proper treatment. Something that would be considered more minor can escalate to where it is a real issue. In some cases, infections may occur and need treatment alongside the actual emergency that you're dealing with at the moment. This is why we recommend quick, adequate treatment as soon as possible.
We see a number of different dental emergencies on any given day. For this reason, we recommend coming in to be seen whenever you notice something is wrong. Some of the more common emergencies include,
The first thing we'll do is to ask you about the problem you're currently experiencing. This allows us to see if an x-ray is necessary and if it is, we will work to take one quickly and easily. We examine the x-ray and your teeth to determine the root cause of the actual problem. You will then have treatment administered while you're in the office, as this helps to prevent the problem from getting worse. We will prescribe antibiotics if there is an active infection present at the time of your appointment.
If you think you might have an emergency and want to come in to see someone, call our office today and our helpful staff members can further assist you.
I was born a Texan and love it! I decided to become a dentist at the age of 3, always my goal, and still my passion.
I graduated from Baylor College of Dentistry here in the Dallas area. Before graduating, I built a vision and business plan for 380 Family Dentistry.
Prosper was still early in its growth phase, and at the time there were cows living across highway 380 from our first office! As Prosper has flourished, grown and gained a great reputation, so have we. At 380 Family Dentistry, we have patients referred not only from Frisco and McKinney, but from surrounding cities all over Collin County!
Hi, I’m Dr. Maryam Fazal, and I’m excited to be part of the 380 Family Dentistry Team!
I’m definitely a Texan, raised for the most part in the Dallas area. I earned my DDS degree from the University of Pittsburg, then returned to Texas to complete a hospital-based residency at UT Health Science Center in Houston and begin practicing dentistry back in my hometown! I’ve worked at several dental practices in the greater Dallas area over the past 5 years, providing me the opportunity to treat all age groups and types of dental situations. I’m happy to be near family and enjoying life with my husband and new baby daughter, Zara.
Above all, I’ve learned that what’s most important to me is to make you, the patient, feel welcome and not afraid of being in the dental chair. Coming to a dental office can be daunting for some, and I’m proud of anyone who can overcome their fear and take the positive steps to receive oral care. I promise that I will be here to guide you through every step of the process, answering all questions you may have along the way.
I am proud to be part of a family-oriented practice like 380 Family Dentistry and I can’t wait to get to know you!
You can expect comprehensive dental services in one location - we have an in-house dental membership program for those without insurance, plus state-of-the-art technology, like digital imaging!
Please, make yourself at home…
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